BB-FullArchive.mbox by subject
- [at]} (Sun Feb 08 2004 - 19:55:57 UTC)
- [at]} (Mon Feb 09 2004 - 01:36:51 UTC)
- "Just a consulting company"
- "second wave of Oberons"
- 'Chill_09' subsystems on Component Pascal Collections
- (CP vs C++), there's no colour, pals
- (no subject)
- 64-bit version of BlackBox
- [DGD] GftSearch qestionaire
- [DGD] GftSearch release 11-May-2004
- [DGD] GftSearchFiles update 11-May-2004
- [Fwd: [BUGS] Port ClassicBUGS to Java byte code using Garden Point Compiler.]
- A strategy for BlackBox
- ActiveX
- all uppercase words
- An extended discussion of extensibility
- Announcement of Oberon microsystems
- Announcement text
- Are local variables initialised?
- Auto Form generation limits the Form size
- AW: CAP once more
- AW: How to read .tiff, .bmp, .png? - AW: tabs and petawatts
- AW: Latin-extended characters
- AW: Numeric formatting of controls
- AW: opening files without extension
- AW: puzzle
- AW: Visio style editor view
- bad bezier behavior
- BB Open-source
- BB-Future
- BBox & RTOS
- Blackbox + parallel port = fun
- BlackBox 1.5 BETA
- BlackBox guide for Dummies: Proposition
- BlackBox mailing list archive
- Blackbox Pricing / .NET and Linux
- BlackBox Survey
- blackbox V1 #231
- BlackBox vs. Gardens-Point Component-Pascal ; Editors with sy ntax highliting
- BlackBox vs. Gardens-Point Component-Pascal ; Editors with syntax highliting
- Boolean expressions
- Calling Convention stdcall (Windows API)
- CAP once more
- CAP once more]
- CAPS again
- Change font size in BlackBox Documentation
- clear or fill memory?
- clear or fill memory? & Semicolon question
- Closed loop control with BlackBox
- Closing a database
- COM events
- command parameters (scientific)
- Competition
- competition, dinosaurs, dlls, manuals, etc. etc. etc.
- CONST arithmetic
- COP in French
- CP vs C++
- CPC GftSearch
- Creating DLLs in BlackBox
- Developing new controls
- Direct i/o with blackbox?
- dll's with gnu compilers
- Do you think it's allright about service pack 1 ?
- Documentation Tools (from Procedure types)
- dynamic loading of dll's, ccall
- eliminate EXTENSIBLE types?
- EPSE-21; update
- Exception handling
- Experiment control and data acquisitio with BlackBox (CERN Oberon Day)
- File registering bug 2: NewReader issue
- File registering bug?
- Files & Garbage Collector
- frozen heads, tabs, petawatts, etc.
- Function pointers
- Fwd: eliminate EXTENSIBLE types?
- Fwd: European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering(ESCMSE)
- Fwd: Oberon Day: video of Gutknecht's lecture
- Gardens Point Component Pascal
- Gardens Point Component Pascal Mailing List
- Gardens Point CP compiler
- Generic View operations
- GftSearch Release 02-Jul-04
- Global Variables
- How to minimize a document window via program?
- How to read .tiff, .bmp, .png?
- How Will Companies Ever Make Money Off Open-Source?
- IBM Tips Derby to Open-Source Community
- InterScan NT Alert
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Latin-extended characters
- LibFmtrs
- Looking for minimize all windows or tile vertical two windows
- Maintenance cost - promoting BB & CP
- Make an Exe file
- Meta
- Modern software engineering
- Modified Demo Program - ObxLinks (hyperlinked directory listing)
- Module Stores
- multidimensional arrays / zonnon
- Mössenböck et al. on .Net
- Named Integers
- Named Integers: What possible problems could they cause?
- Names of procedures in a DLL
- Niklaus Wirth Lecture
- NIL (again)
- Numeric formatting of controls
- Oberon Day DVD stolen ...
- Oberon Day {([at]})nowhere.xy
- Oberon Day, travel, hotels
- Oberon Day: video of Gutknecht's lecture
- Oberon usage generally and BlackBox for dummies documentation
- Oberon/CP as first language
- Oberon/CP as first language: action
- OMS announcement
- on mammals and dinosaurs)
- on mammals and dinosaurs) - Wasn't this originaly the Tabs & PetaWatts thread?
- open source
- Open Source BlackBox compiler - Win64 version?
- OpenBugs
- opening files without extension
- Order of controls in a form
- our discussions
- Passing parameters to a Windows DWORD flag?
- Pasting bitmaps
- Plain Text Wrap/No Wrap?
- Porting to Java using Garden Point Compiler
- Porting to Java using Garden Point Compiler - Procedure types
- Porting to Java using Garden Point Compiler.
- Practical Guide to BlackBox outline version 1.1
- Predeclared function CAP
- Printing Landscape
- PrivInf
- Procedure types
- Procedure types and An extended discussion of extensibility
- Protected message
- puzzle
- Question about LibPlotters
- Quick progress using BlackBox
- ResizePref message
- Return to life
- Saving list and pointers
- Saving list and pointers_2
- Scroll bars
- Semi-colon question
- Semicolon question / Multiple statements per line
- Server installation
- Service pack 1: cursor keys
- Service Pack 2 for BlackBox Release 1.4
- Service pack feature # 501?
- SetData pointer facility for Dialog list structures (List, Co mbo, Selection)
- SetData pointer facility for Dialog list structures (List, Combo, Selection)
- SetSelection with scrolling
- Should a typename be a valid parameter for the LEN function?
- Sorted option on a list box
- Sorting items in a list box
- StdScrollers
- Stopping program execution & screwed up menu
- Super calls
- Tabbed Windows in Blackbox?
- tabs
- tabs and petawatts
- tabs)
- The Intelligent Programmer's Guide to Blackbox
- Tip: Projects & BlackBox
- Translators
- TreeView
- updating dialogs
- UTF-8 converter?
- Visible Tabs
- Visio style editor view
- Voyager
- Voyager (2nd Edition)
- What is .NET?
- What is a "component"?
- What is a 'component'?
- What is right with service pack 1 ?
- What is wrong with service pack 1 ?
- Windows XP look-and-feel for BlackBox
- xls files
- Last message date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 23:40:39 UTC
- Archived on: Thu Sep 26 2013 - 06:32:19 UTC