Great find, Chris. If it took Dotzel one week, for someone who does not not have experience with the internals of BlackBox compiler it woud take forever:-)
On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 3:04 PM, CFB Software <info{([at]})nowhere.xy
e.g. Guenter Dotzel wrote about his experiences implementing COMPLEX in the
VAX/VMS Modula-2 compiler
"It took me a full week to extend the VAX/VMS Modula-2 compiler MVR to fully
support complex including evaluation of constant complex operations and
VMS-debugger support for the new types."
I suggest we use that measure as the *absolute minimum* time needed to
implement something similar in BlackBox ;-)
Chris Burrows
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Received on Mon Jul 06 2009 - 22:38:56 UTC