Re: [BLACKBOX] April 18 , 2014 deadline for Windows 7 fixes

From: [at]} <Blackbox>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:25:13 +0000

z{S}ĝxjǺ> So, considering your message, is it possible for Oberon microsystems for the one last step
> to perform the final publication of BlackBox 1.6 (no rc)?

Yes this is possible. We really hope to find some time later this year to put out BlackBox release 1.6 final. But this release will contain only very minimal changes compared to 1.6-rc6. All other corrections and improvements will have to go in future releases driven by the community.

> Also, I think it would be right to place official information for BlackBox License (I still could not fully
> understand, what it does permit, and what it does not). This step will help the community to develop some plans
> about core changes distribution and other associated tasks without any fear of syncronisation loss.

You are right, the current license is complicated. BlackBox 1.6 final will be licensed under the simpler BSD 2-Clause license (

Thanks and kind regards,

On Jul 26, 2013, at 9:06 AM, ???? ????? <petryxa.clever{([at]})GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> There is still one last question about BlackBox project.
> I think, all community will support it.
> So, considering your message, is it possible for Oberon microsystems for the one last step
> to perform the final publication of BlackBox 1.6 (no rc)? Maybe publicating some subsystems from
> this <> list, which are not restricted with commercial licenses.
> Also, I think it would be right to place official information for BlackBox License (I still could not fully
> understand, what it does permit, and what it does not). This step will help the community to develop some plans
> about core changes distribution and other associated tasks without any fear of syncronisation loss.
> And once again thanks a lot for all this great work about BlackBox.
> 2013/7/25 Blackbox Support Oberon microsystems AG <support{([at]})>
> Thanks for the reminder of Windows XP's end of support deadline, Doug.
> With its release as open source software, BlackBox has reached the final stage of commercial development at Oberon microsystems back in December 2004. Consequently there will be no officially supported versions of BlackBox for Windows 7 from us.
> We are really sorry about this but we have to encourage users still relying on BlackBox as their main development platform to start looking for alternatives.
> At Oberon microsystems we are currently using C# and .NET for many of our mobile and embedded software projects:
> We also write lots of Java for Android and for our server-based software. Finally, we even have some Objective-C targeting iOS.
> For a language very much in the spirit of Oberon, we suggest trying out Google's Go:
> With kind regards,
> Marc
> On Jul 25, 2013, at 2:57 AM, Douglas G. Danforth <danforth{([at]})> wrote:
> > For all of us who must migrate from Windows XP before April 18, 2014
> > I strongly request of Oberon Microsystems Inc that all Windows 7 glitches be fixed and released
> > to us before that date.
> >
> > Doug Danforth
> >
> > ---- To unsubscribe, send a message with body "SIGNOFF BLACKBOX" to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH
> >
> ----
> To unsubscribe, send a message with body "SIGNOFF BLACKBOX" to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH
> ---- To unsubscribe, send a message with body "SIGNOFF BLACKBOX" to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH

z{Ch+bv!~)^{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\fromtext \fbidis \deff0{\fonttbl
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{\f3\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 > So, considering your message, is it possible for Oberon microsystems for the one last step\par
> to perform the final publication of BlackBox 1.6 (no rc)?\par
Yes this is possible. We really hope to find some time later this year to put out BlackBox release 1.6 final. But this release will contain only very minimal changes compared to 1.6-rc6. All other corrections and improvements will have to go in future releases driven by the community.\par
> Also, I think it would be right to place official information for BlackBox License (I still could not fully \par
> understand, what it does permit, and what it does not). This step will help the community to develop some plans \par
> about core changes distribution and other associated tasks without any fear of syncronisation loss.\par
You are right, the current license is complicated. BlackBox 1.6 final will be licensed under the simpler BSD 2-Clause license (\par
Thanks and kind regards,\par
On Jul 26, 2013, at 9:06 AM, ???? ????? <petryxa.clever{([at]})GMAIL.COM> wrote:\par
> There is still one last question about BlackBox project. \par
> I think, all community will support it.\par
> So, considering your message, is it possible for Oberon microsystems for the one last step\par
> to perform the final publication of BlackBox 1.6 (no rc)? Maybe publicating some subsystems from\par
> this <> list, which are not restricted with commercial licenses.\par
> Also, I think it would be right to place official information for BlackBox License (I still could not fully \par
> understand, what it does permit, and what it does not). This step will help the community to develop some plans \par
> about core changes distribution and other associated tasks without any fear of syncronisation loss.\par
> \par
> And once again thanks a lot for all this great work about BlackBox.\par
> \par
> \par
> 2013/7/25 Blackbox Support Oberon microsystems AG <support{([at]})>\par
> Thanks for the reminder of Windows XP's end of support deadline, Doug.\par
> \par
> With its release as open source software, BlackBox has reached the final stage of commercial development at Oberon microsystems back in December 2004. Consequently there will be no officially supported versions of BlackBox for Windows 7 from us.\par
> \par
> We are really sorry about this but we have to encourage users still relying on BlackBox as their main development platform to start looking for alternatives.\par
> \par
> At Oberon microsystems we are currently using C# and .NET for many of our mobile and embedded software projects:\par
> \par
> \par
> \par
> We also write lots of Java for Android and for our server-based software. Finally, we even have some Objective-C targeting iOS.\par
> \par
> For a language very much in the spirit of Oberon, we suggest trying out Google's Go:\par
> \par
> \par
> With kind regards,\par
> Marc\par
> \par
> On Jul 25, 2013, at 2:57 AM, Douglas G. Danforth <danforth{([at]})> wrote:\par
> \par
> > For all of us who must migrate from Windows XP before April 18, 2014\par
> > I strongly request of Oberon Microsystems Inc that all Windows 7 glitches be fixed and released\par
> > to us before that date.\par
> >\par
> > Doug Danforth\par
> >\par
> > ---- To unsubscribe, send a message with body "SIGNOFF BLACKBOX" to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH\par
> >\par
> \par
> \par
> ----\par
> To unsubscribe, send a message with body "SIGNOFF BLACKBOX" to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH\par
> \par
> ---- To unsubscribe, send a message with body "SIGNOFF BLACKBOX" to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH\par
> \par
Received on Fri Jul 26 2013 - 10:25:13 UTC

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