Re: [BLACKBOX] Capsula language

From: [at]} <René>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 20:36:19 -0430

Hello Carl,
Is there a website from where to dowload CAPSULA language support?

Thanks: René Dorta.

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 5:52 PM, Carl Glassberg <carlglassberg{([at]})nowhere.xy

        Hello Dr. Bautsch:
        Interesting language & syntax, Capsula.
        [Isn't Capsula the name of a wild mushroom in Italy? Just kidding, probably a good name.]
        Dr Bautsch, is possible? to re-write the syntax rule for Loop, in simplified, but equivalent form, as:
        Loop = "While" "<-" PreTestCondition "->" { Statement } "<-" PostTestCondition .
        The following, with changes to the Wiki to remove embedded spaces inside string literals and replacement
        of the arrow symbols by "->', "<-", and "<--->", will pass the simple EBNF "checker" example supplied with Coco/R:
        I did not try to create a Capsula.ATG grammar file for input to Coco/R. Coco/R would likely complain about missing lexical token definitions for Integer, Real, etc. and some rules are probably non-LL(1). A goal rule, Capsula = Unit EOF .
        would be added to any Capsula.ATG grammar.
        I probably left out some rules or made other mistakes, so this is probably not complete nor will it be accepted by Coco/R as is, but the EBNF checker did not complain.
        Carl Glassberg
        (* Capsula syntax, preliminary interpretation by cmg of official Wiki definition by Dr. Bautsch: *)
        Identifier = Letter { Letter | Digit } .
        QualifiedIdentifier = { Identifier "." } Identifier .
        Designator = QualifiedIdentifier { ( "[" IntegerExpression "]" ) | ( "." Identifier ) } .
        Interface = Identifier "is" Visibility .
        Visibility = Private | Public .
        Signature = Interface Type .
        ListElements = Unit | Constant | Type | Variable | FormalParameter | Command | Function | ActualParameter | Statement | Case .
        Unit = Package | Module .
        Package = "Package" Interface { Unit } .
        Module = "Module" Interface { Constant } { Type } { Variable } { Command } { Function } [ Init ] [ Exit ] .
        Init = "initModule" { Statements } .
        Exit = "exitModule" { Statements } .
        Constant = "Constant" Signature ConstantExpression .
        ConstantExpression = Expression .
        Type = "Type" Interface "is" ( BasicType | ComplexType ) .
        BasicType = Boolean | Integer | Real .
        Boolean = "False" | "True" .
        ComplexType = QualifiedIdentifier | Array | String | Class .
        Array = "Array" length "of" ( BasicType | ComplexType ) .
        length = ConstantIntegerExpression .
        ArrayDesignator = Designator .
        ArrayTypeDesignator = QualifiedIdentifier .
        ArrayCreation = ArrayDesignator "<--->" ArrayTypeDesignator "." "newArray" length .
        Class = Flexibility Extendibility "extension" "of" ParentIdentifier { Variable } { Command } { Function } .
        Flexibility = Static | Dynamic .
        Extendibility = Final | Extensible | Abstract .
        ParentIdentifier = QualifiedIdentifier .
        ClassInstanceDesignator = Designator .
        ClassTypeDesignator = QualifiedIdentifier .
        ClassCreation = ClassInstanceDesignator "<--->" ClassTypeDesignator "." "newClass" .
        Variable = "Variable" Signature .
        FormalParameter = "Parameter" Signature .
        Body = { FormalParameter } { Constant } { Variable } { Statement } .
        Command = "Command" Interface Body .
        Function = "Function" Signature Body .
        Expression = BooleanExpression | IntegerExpression | RealExpression | StringExpression | Designator | "Nil" .
        BooleanOperand = "False" | "True" | Designator .
        BooleanExpression = BooleanOperand | BooleanOperation .
        BooleanOperation = BooleanUnaryOperation | BooleanUnaryIntegerOperation | BooleanBinaryOperation | Relation .
        BooleanUnaryOperation = BooleanUnaryOperator BooleanOperand .
        BooleanUnaryOperator = "Not" .
        BooleanUnaryIntegerOperation = BooleanUnaryIntegerOperator BooleanOperand .
        BooleanUnaryIntegerOperator = "Even" | "Odd" .
        BooleanBinaryOperation = BooleanOperand BooleanBinaryOperator BooleanOperand .
        BooleanBinaryOperator = "And" | "Or" | "Equal" | "NotEqual" .
        Relation = IntegerRelation | RealRelation | StringRelation .
        IntegerRelation = IntegerOperand IntegerRelationOperator IntegerOperand .
        IntegerRelationOperator = IntegerIsEqual | IntegerIsNotEqual | IntegerIsLess | IntegerIsLessOrEqual | IntegerIsGreaterOrEqual | IntegerIsGreater .
        RealRelation = RealOperand RealRelationOperator RealOperand .
        RealRelationOperator = RealEqual | RealNotEqual | RealLess | RealLessOrEqual | RealGreaterOrEqual | RealGreater .
        StringRelation = StringOperand StringRelationOperator StringOperand .
        StringRelationOperator = StringEqual | StringNotEqual | StringLess | StringLessOrEqual | StringGreaterOrEqual | StringGreater .
        IntegerOperand = Integer | Designator .
        IntegerExpression = IntegerOperand | IntegerOperation .
        IntegerOperation = IntegerUnaryOperation | IntegerUnaryRealOperation | IntegerBinaryOperation .
        IntegerUnaryOperation = IntegerUnaryOperator IntegerOperand .
        IntegerUnaryOperator = IntegerNegation | IntegerAbsolute .
        IntegerUnaryRealOperation = IntegerUnaryRealOperator RealOperand .
        IntegerUnaryRealOperator = IntegerFloor .
        IntegerBinaryOperation = IntegerOperand IntegerBinaryOperator IntegerOperand .
        IntegerBinaryOperator = IntegerSum | IntegerDifference | IntegerProduct | IntegerQuotient | IntegerModulo | IntegerMinimum | IntegerMaximum .
        RealOperand = Real | Integer | Designator .
        RealExpression = RealOperand | IntegerOperand | RealOperation .
        RealOperation = RealUnaryOperation | RealBinaryOperation RealUnaryOperator | RealOperand .
        RealUnaryOperator = RealNegation | RealAbsolute .
        RealBinaryOperation = RealOperand RealBinaryOperator RealOperand .
        RealBinaryOperator = RealSum | RealDifference | RealProduct | RealQuotient | RealMinimum | RealMaximum .
        StringOperand = String | Designator | "Nil" .
        StringExpression = { StringOperand } .
        ActualParameter = Expression .
        Call = "->" Designator { ActualParameter } .
        Statement = CommandCall | Assignment | Branch | Loop .
        CommandCall = Call .
        Assignment = Designator "<-" Expression | FunctionCall .
        FunctionCall = Call .
        Branch = BooleanBranch | IntegerBranch | TypeBranch .
        BooleanBranch = "If" BooleanExpression [ TrueStatements ] [ FalseStatements ] .
        TrueStatements = "True" "->" { Statement } .
        FalseStatements = "False" "->" { Statement } .
        IntegerBranch = "If" IntegerExpression "is" { IntegerCase } [ IntegerElse ] .
        IntegerCase = ConstantIntegerExpression "->" { Statement } .
        IntegerElse = "IntegerElse" "->" { Statement } .
        TypeBranch = "If" Designator { TypeCase } [ TypeElse ] .
        TypeCase = ConstantTypeExpression "->" { Statement } .
        TypeElse = "TypeElse" "->" { Statement } .
        PreTestCondition = BooleanExpression .
        PostTestCondition = BooleanExpression .
        Loop = "While" "<-" PreTestCondition "->" { Statement } "<-" PostTestCondition .
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