> 1 - What is the relationship between the 'Gitorious'
https://gitorious.org/bb16/red collection that luowy said he used, and the new redmine
http://redmine.molpit.com/projects/bbcb collection?
Gitorious repository is my assembly of BlackBox for my self and my labmates. It is including a lot of modules over standard version and Russian language documentation. Also, I tried to include all known fixes, make the system for installing components from the web and integrate multilingual menu system from CpcLanguages. Some modules integrated in Cpc (like InfoCalls) to reduce folders amount.
Redmine collection is the attempt to make the platform for all interested developers according to new BlackBox maintaining situation. This project should be well documented step-by-step patching of native BlackBox, using git version control system, so each step will be documented and reasonable. The work starts few days ago, that is why it is not much differ from BB1.6.6 version from Ominc. I have to include main fixes from Gitorious repo also, but only to common used modules. After that work will be done, Gitorious version have to be made over new BlackBox from Redmine.
I invite everybody to collaborate in Redmine and make stable BlackBox for Win7 and after better BlackBox for future.
> 2 - I managed to work out how to download individual files from the first, but not the second. If I wanted to download a complete current working set (as a .zip file maybe) how would I do that?
Regards, Ivan