Please reserve prefixes Xia and Gr

From: [at]} <Wojtek>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 12:10:47 -0800


  I am not sure if OuS is running a prefix registration
service similar to the one offered by ETHZ? In any case,
I would like to inform whom it may concern that we are
developing two closely related packages with names starting
with "Xia" and "Gr". Since our intention is to eventually
release these packages to the BlackBox community, I am
kindly suggesting to refrain from using these prefixes
for other purpose.

Short description of Gr/Xia follows:

Gr is a package to graphically render and interact with
data collected with hardware data acqusition boards
(see for board description). The data are
in the form of histograms and time series. The package
will be useful to construct small scale DAQ systems
for other hardware as well.

Xia is a collection of low-level DAQ definitions
and primitives. Most of Xia package only makes sense
in connection with our boards, but some parts of it
are of more general interest. Those general parts
of Xia will be released in conjuction with the Gr package.


Wojtek Skulski
X-Ray Instrumentation Associates
2513 Charleston Rd #207, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
Tel: 650 903 9980 ext. 16 Fax: 650 903 9887
E-Mail: skulski{([at]})nowhere.xy
Received on Tue Mar 23 1999 - 21:30:34 UTC

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