Software Engineers and Documentation

From: [at]} <Venkat>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 09:05:21 -0500 (EST)

Blackbox Users:

I agree that documentation is an often short shrifted. But its
importance cannot be over-emphasized and I agree that it can contribute
significantly to improved design and coding. Something that is hard to
document is probably hard to use and hard to construct reliably.

But I must defend OuS on the overall quality of their documentation.
Even errors are relatively easy to spot, because of the clarity of
preceding and subsequent paragraphs. The quantity of documentation to
master is significant, but that appears to be inherent in the nature of
frameworks of this sort. Compared to Java, it is indeed compact.

Venkat Rao
Received on Thu Mar 04 1999 - 15:08:53 UTC

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