Procedure names visible in .exe

From: Greg Edwards <"Greg>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 18:04:19 -0700

Is it possible to have procedure names not appear as text in a compiled
.exe? It would be great if the names weren't clearly there, while still
being able to retain the ability to call
Dialog.Call("module.procedure_name") in the code.

I was thinking that during compiling you could give numeric ids to each
function... I assume that would require an extra level of indirection in
Meta and Dialog.Call so that you could still support meta calls.


Greg Edwards
Eyetools, Inc.
phone: (510) 440-1600
fax: (510) 405-2022

See my note that I posted to the BB mailing list:

Has anyone else noticed that when you look inside an executable compiled in
BB (by changing the program.exe name to program.txt) that you can read all
of your function and module names? As someone who is producing applications
to sell into a competitive world that is scary since it makes it just that
much easier for someone to reproduce what you did.

In C++ (or VC++) when you compile with Debug option on, you can read all the
function names, but when you compile for production you can't see them.

Can BB somehow have a "production" compile that changes all the names into
numeric references or some other means so that our production level .exe's
don't have the function names in them (this would also make the .exe's
smaller since all the text wouldn't need to be in there)?

Received on Tue May 01 2001 - 01:04:19 UTC

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