heap vs. stack

From: Weber, Dr Charles <"Weber,>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 15:13:50 -0400

Thanks for all your help. Your suggested changes worked well. I was able
to make dim = 2000 with no trouble, but 2500 caused the disk to thrash for a
few seconds, but then this worked as well. The heap topped out at 120M. (My
physical memory is only 128MB.) Physical memory appears to be my only limit
at this point. (Performance is important to me, so I don't want to force
virtual memory.)

A few odds and ends:

1. I'm very happy to find a group carrying on with the Pascal family of
languages. I have felt like I was drowning in a sea of C!
2. I do need 64 bit reals.
3. If 1.3.3 has a heap limit, I have not reached it.
4. BB works with NT/95/2000. How about "Me"? I will be getting a new
machine and Me is the OS most often loaded onto the machine.

As a new BB user, I guess I'll need a little handholding for a while. I
hope to be able to help others soon.


Charlie Weber
Received on Thu Jun 28 2001 - 19:13:50 UTC

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