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Current versions of BlackBox are for Windows operating systems. They are Win32 applications.

They can be run under Wine on Unix platforms.

Native Macintosh versions are no longer available.


  • Setup: Installs & registers the software, creates shortcuts, and associates the file types.
  • Signed: As above, but also includes a digital certificate.
  • Zip: Simply includes the files which can be extracted anywhere.

 All three download formats install the same software.


Download BlackBox

The earliest versions of BlackBox were created and published by Oberon microsystems AG (Oms) in commercial and "free for educational use" versions. The original version was called Oberon/F, with the name BlackBox Component Builder adopted later. The final Oms version is a free and open source release; Version 1.6 dated 11-October-2013.

Since then an organisation of volunteers called the BlackBox Framework Center has formed to maintain and develop the software.

The current stable Center release is Version 1.7.2 (Build 1113, 03-November-2019). This is recommended for new users and for general use. Stable download links are updated infrequently. A link named sha256 contains the sha-256 hash of the related file as created by the tool sha256sum. It allows for manually checking a file's integrity after downloading.

The latest Center development version is available below. These versions are updated frequently, and are binary compatible as long as the major and minor version numbers are unchanged.

A repository of all Center development versions is available here.

Previous stable BlackBox releases

Center Version 1.7.1 (Build 1014, 11-December-2017):

Center Version 1.7 (Build 694, 13-September-2016):

Last Oms version (11-October-2013):

Other, non Center, BlackBox forks

In addition, there are compilers for the language Component Pascal (a small part of the BlackBox framework) available from: