If i'm not missing something, the linux version from Marc was proposed for russian community members
14.08.2013 8:11 пользователь "Wojtek Skulski" <skulski{([at]})nowhere.xy
> Everything necessary to port BlackBox to Linux is included in the current
> release of BlackBox:
> http://www.oberon.ch/zip/SetupBlackBox16-rc6.exe
My dream is Embedded Component Pascal targeting Linux and producing both
user-mode and kernel-mode executables for non-Intel high performance
processors such as Analog Devices Blackfin, Texas Instruments Keystone,
high-end ARM as found in Xilinx Zynq, and soft cores such as Microblaze.
Implementing native compilers for a wide range of CPUs would be
impractical due to abundance of silicon anomalies present in virtually all
embedded CPUs. The only practical implementation would be through the gcc
that is maintained by the CPU manufactures. They take care of the
anomalies and make sure that gcc delivers binaries that run on various
"steppings" of their CPUs.
A practical implementation would translate every Pascal module into a
kernel-mode Linux "module" that can be started by insmod and stopped by
rmmod. (These are Linux commands that load and unload the modules.) All in
all, such a dream system would be similar in spirit to Ofront. I am not
sure if Ofront is already doing just that or not. Looking at
http://www.software-templ.com/shareware.html I can read "Ofront for Linux
is a version of Ofront for i386 based Linux" which is not exactly my
> All that is really needed to get started is the know how on how to
> actually tackle such a system-level project and a lot of hard work. About
> ten years ago we did a very rough proof of concept but eventually we had
> to stop that effort due to a lack of resources.
> Thanks and kind regards,
> Marc
> On Aug 13, 2013, at 9:16 PM, Rex Couture <rex{([at]})nowhere.xy >
>> Chris Burrows wrote:
>>> There is a source code file called kernel.odc included in the
>>> BlackBox\System\Mod folder in the BlackBox r1.6-rc6 release.... Is
>>> that the one you >are looking for?
>> At 10:25 PM 8/12/2013, Marc wrote:
>>> Don't worry, Rex.
>>> BlackBox is completely open source since December 31, 2004.
>> My understanding is that there is part of BlackBox that is not
>> open source. From time to time there are requests to open it
>> completely so BB can be ported to LInux, etc. Did I miss
>> something here?
>> Rex Couture, Ph. D.
>> Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
>> Campus Box 1169
>> Washington University in St. Louis
>> 1 Brookings Dr.
>> St. Louis MO 63130
>> Voice: (314) 935-4194
>> Fax: (314) 935-7361
>> rex{([at]})nowhere.xy
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