Re: [BLACKBOX] Illegal Memory Access with Windows 7 - Update 3

From: Campbell, Robert (Selex ES, UK) <"Campbell,>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 08:39:15 +0000


I down-loaded the three files:P Dev/Mod/CPC486, System/Mod/Kernel, and BlackBox.exe from Gitorious; no luck, I can still only
get 800 MByte on Windows 7.

The Kernel file was the same as mine.
BlackBox.exe is different, and different again from Oms rc1.6. I don't know what the differences are.

There are several differences in CPC486. One interesting one is the LONGINT fix you posted 19-Dec-2011.
In my version the line
" IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(y); rev := ~rev END;"
Is added.
In the Gitorious version the "rev := ~rev" is omitted. Which is correct?



PS I have now tested my version on a Windows 7 32-bit work machine; I still have the 800 MByte limit.

-----Original Message-----
From: BlackBox [mailto:BLACKBOX{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH] On Behalf Of luowy{([at]})SOHU.COM
Sent: 15 August 2013 22:27
To: BLACKBOX{([at]})nowhere.xy
Subject: Re: [BLACKBOX] Illegal Memory Access with Windows 7 - Update 3

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Hi Robert,

>>Can you send me your versions of Dev/Mod/CPC486 &amp; System/Mod/Kernel please?
>>Are you aware of any other modules that need updating for this issue?

the Russian developer Ivan Denisov(???? ???????) have maintained a good patched version of bb1.6,I just used it! source is here:
you can check it out and test.

but I think that win7-64 may be different from win7-32,and I test it at win7-32 and as


Selex ES Ltd
Registered Office: Sigma House, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon, Essex SS14 3EL
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I down-loaded the three files:P Dev/Mod/CPC486, System/Mod/Kernel, and BlackBox.exe from Gitorious; no luck, I can still only\par
get 800 MByte on Windows 7.\par
The Kernel file was the same as mine.\par
BlackBox.exe is different, and different again from Oms rc1.6. I don't know what the differences are.\par
There are several differences in CPC486. One interesting one is the LONGINT fix you posted 19-Dec-2011.\par
In my version the line\par
" IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(y); rev := ~rev END;"\par
Is added.\par
In the Gitorious version the "rev := ~rev" is omitted. Which is correct?\par
PS I have now tested my version on a Windows 7 32-bit work machine; I still have the 800 MByte limit.\par
-----Original Message-----\par
From: BlackBox [mailto:BLACKBOX{([at]})nowhere.xySTS.OBERON.CH] On Behalf Of luowy{([at]})SOHU.COM\par
Sent: 15 August 2013 22:27\par
To: BLACKBOX{([at]})nowhere.xy
Subject: Re: [BLACKBOX] Illegal Memory Access with Windows 7 - Update 3\par
                    *** WARNING ***\par
 This message has originated outside your organisation, \par
  either from an external partner or the Global Internet. \par
      Keep this in mind if you answer this message.\par
Hi Robert,\par
>>Can you send me your versions of Dev/Mod/CPC486 &amp; System/Mod/Kernel please?\par
>>Are you aware of any other modules that need updating for this issue?\par
the Russian developer Ivan Denisov(???? ???????) have maintained a good patched version of bb1.6,I just used it! source is here:\par
you can check it out and test.\par
but I think that win7-64 may be different from win7-32,and I test it at win7-32 and as\par
Selex ES Ltd\par
Registered Office: Sigma House, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon, Essex SS14 3EL\par
A company registered in England & Wales. Company no. 02426132\par
This email and any attachments are confidential to the intended\par
recipient and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended\par
recipient please delete it from your system and notify the sender.\par
You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor disclose or\par
distribute its contents to any other person.\par
Received on Fri Aug 16 2013 - 10:39:15 UTC

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