---- To unsubscribe, send a message with body "SIGNOFF BLACKBOX" to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH nu.&I8ӽ~7 z{mʗbqb z{m}ޝxjǺ z{Ch+bv!~)^{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\fromtext \deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;} {\f1\fmodern Courier New;} {\f2\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;} {\f3\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;} {\f4\fswiss\fcharset128 MS Mincho;} {\f5\fswiss\fcharset134 SimSun;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;} \uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 Douglas:\par \par use document to control the windows size:\par example:\par \par \tab PROCEDURE Open*();\par \tab VAR \par \tab v:View;\par \tab doc:Documents.Document;\par \tab BEGIN\par \tab NEW(v);\par \tab doc:=Documents.dir.New(v,80*Ports.mm,80*Ports.mm);\par Views.OpenAux(doc,'xxx');\par \tab END Open;\par \par \par luowy\par \par \htmlrtf{\f4\fs20\htmlrtf0 ----- \'8c\'b4\'95\'b6 ----- \htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par \htmlrtf{\f5\fs20\htmlrtf0 \'b7\'a2\'bc\'fe\'c8\'cb: Douglas G. Danforth \htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par \htmlrtf{\f5\fs20\htmlrtf0 \'d6\'f7\'a1\'a1\'cc\'e2: [BLACKBOX] Context\htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par \htmlrtf{\f5\fs20\htmlrtf0 \'ca\'b1\'a1\'a1\'bc\'e4: 2012\'c4\'ea5\'d4\'c217\'c8\'d5 7:29:39\htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par \par Folks,\par \par \par I am still struggling to find a consistent use of Models.Context.\par \par \par If I do Views.Open or any of the other opens with Views then then\par \par context gets set for me (Document.Context, I believe).\par \par \par But then the size of the open document is predefined to a default\par value\par \par which I must then contravene with a Controllers handlers. What this\par looks\par \par like is the document flashed large then gets reset to a small (my)\par value.\par \par \par What I want is to be able to stipulate the size of the view BEFORE\par it is \par \par opened (with one of Views open procedures).\par \par \par How do I do that?\par \par \par ---\par \par If I embed a view within a host view then I have control over the\par context of the\par \par embedded view and I can indeed specify the embedded view's size\par before\par \par it is first restored. That works. It is only in the case when I\par don't have control\par \par over the context. OMI in their wisdom, does not allow one to\par replace the context\par \par of a view once that view has a context (why not?);\par \par \par -Doug Danforth\par \par ----\par To unsubscribe, send a message with body "SIGNOFF BLACKBOX" to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH}}nu.&I8ӽ~7Received on Thu May 17 2012 - 12:35:22 UTC
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