Re: [BLACKBOX] o3 WAF Question

From: [at]} <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 11:49:12 +0800


hello Werner,

Has O3 WAF updated already?


----- ?? -----
???: Werner Braun
? ?: Re: [BLACKBOX] o3 WAF Question
? ?: 2012?7?19? 19:58:46

Hi Rene,

&gt; I'm starting to look through the framework again after some years of not doing anything with it, and before I focused mostly on the DB part, so I know next to nothing about how the Webserver part works.
&gt; Back then I did not have a lot web developing experience, aside from HTML and JavaScript. This has now changed for professional reasons.
&gt; As I'm looking at the WAF, I'd like to know which module actually writes the HTML for a O3stdWebElements.Container. I'm looking for a way to enhance the output, so that a template can be used for additional design options and adding of javascript functionality.
&gt; Ofcourse I could (and will) look deeper into the code to find out myself, but I believe in "headstarts by asking" ;-)

There has been lots of work going on since that time.
I will assemble a new beta-version and some information for you.
It contains more support for JavaScript and has been adapted to HTML5.

If you just could give me a week of time, is that ok for you?

Werner Braun
Mobil +49 178 145 8768 * Fon   +49 431 556 8907-1
O? Software GmbH &amp; Co. KG * Franziusallee 131 * 24148 Kiel * Germany
Sitz der Gesellschaft Kiel * HR Amtsgericht Kiel HRA 6418 KI
Pers?nlich haftende Gesellschafterin: O? Software GmbH
HR Amtsgericht Kiel HRB 10335 KI * Gesch?ftsf?hrer Werner Braun
To unsubscribe, send a message with body "SIGNOFF BLACKBOX" to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH
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hello Werner,\par
Has O3 WAF updated already?\par
----- ?? ----- \par
???: Werner Braun \par
? ?: Re: [BLACKBOX] o3 WAF Question\par
? ?: 2012?7?19?  19:58:46\par
Hi Rene,\par
&gt; I'm starting to look through the framework again after some years of not doing anything with it, and before I focused mostly on the DB part, so I know next to nothing about how the Webserver part works.\par
&gt; Back then I did not have a lot web developing experience, aside from HTML and JavaScript. This has now changed for professional reasons.\par
&gt; As I'm looking at the WAF, I'd like to know which module actually writes the HTML for a O3stdWebElements.Container. I'm looking for a way to enhance the output, so that a template can be used for additional design options and adding of javascript functionality.\par
&gt; Ofcourse I could (and will) look deeper into the code to find out myself, but I believe in "headstarts by asking" ;-)\par
There has been lots of work going on since that time.\par
I will assemble a new beta-version and some information for you.\par
It contains more support for JavaScript and has been adapted to HTML5.\par
If you just could give me a week of time, is that ok for you?\par
-- \par
Werner Braun\par
Mobil +49 178 145 8768 * Fon   +49 431 556 8907-1\par
O\u-3 ? Software GmbH &amp; Co. KG * Franziusallee 131 * 24148 Kiel * Germany\par
Sitz der Gesellschaft Kiel * HR Amtsgericht Kiel HRA 6418 KI\par
Pers\u-3 ?nlich haftende Gesellschafterin: O\u-3 ? Software GmbH\par
HR Amtsgericht Kiel HRB 10335 KI * Gesch\u-3 ?ftsf\u-3 ?hrer Werner Braun\par
To unsubscribe, send a message with body "SIGNOFF BLACKBOX" to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.C}}nu.&I8t^
Received on Fri Aug 10 2012 - 05:49:12 UTC

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