[BLACKBOX] Control codes CR and LF

From: Manuel Martín Sánchez <manumart1{([at]})nowhere.xy>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 18:57:31 +0100

To represent a line jump in a file:

* Unix and MacOS X: the byte 0A (hexadecimal number 0A, decimal 10, LF, Line Feed).
* MacOS 9: the byte 0D (hexadecimal number 0D, decimal 13, CR, Carriage Return).
* Windows: the byte 0D followed by the byte 0A, that is CR+LF.

I have been experimenting:
   PROCEDURE WriteSmallFile*;
       CONST fileName = "MyFile_CRLF.txt";
       VAR l: Files.Locator;
       f: Files.File;
       w: Files.Writer;
       res: INTEGER;
       l := Files.dir.This("Priv");
       ASSERT(l.res = 0, 20);
       f := Files.dir.New(l, Files.dontAsk);
       ASSERT(l.res = 0, 21);
       w := f.NewWriter(NIL);
       w.WriteByte(61H); (* ascii "a" *)
       w.WriteByte(62H); (* ascii "b" *)
       w.WriteByte(0DH); (* ascii 13 CR *)
       w.WriteByte(0AH); (* ascii 10 LF *)
       w.WriteByte(63H); (* ascii "c" *)
       f.Register(fileName, "", Files.ask, res);
       ASSERT(res = 0, 22);
   END WriteSmallFile;
I have wrote 0D only (CR), 0A only (LF), and both 0D and 0A (CR+LF). I have found that it is always interpreted like a line jump, both by the BB editor and the Notepad++.
I have also noted the following:

* When you are in the BB editor editing a file, and you hit the Return key, then that hit is translated onto a 0D byte (CR). So the .odc files use the CR to represent a line jump, like the files of MacOS 9.


* The procedure "TextMappers.Formatter.WriteLn" inserts the two bytes CR and LF (I am using WindowsOS). At least that is what is seen in the file generated, although I think it is due to the converter (HostTextConv.ImportText) that is used to make persistent the file.

    PROCEDURE WriteSmallFileUsingAbstractions*;
        CONST fileName = "MyFile.txt";
        VAR loc: Files.Locator;
        frmter: TextMappers.Formatter;
        v: TextViews.View;
        frmter.WriteString("First line");
        frmter.WriteLn; (* CR+LF under Windows OS *)
        frmter.WriteString("Second line");
        loc := Files.dir.This("Priv");
        ASSERT(loc.res = 0, 20);
        v := TextViews.dir.New(frmter.rider.Base());
        Converters.Export(loc, fileName, conv, v);
        ASSERT(loc.res = 0, 21);
    END WriteSmallFileUsingAbstractions;
    BEGIN (* module *)
        conv := Converters.list;
        WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.imp # "HostTextConv.ImportText") DO conv := conv.next END

So far so good, but the documentation of BB 1.5 (Caracter Set - Control codes used in Black Box) says:
   0AX ltab reverse tabulator key
   0DX line return key
I am confused about the fact that the hexadecimal number 0A is the "reverse tabulator key". Does somebody know what does this mean?

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