Re: [BLACKBOX] Unicode command button text

From: Douglas G. Danforth <"Douglas>
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 15:21:42 -0800

I have upgraded to BB1.6 and have success on displaying the correct symbols on buttons.


BUT I have two comments (requests).

(1) The label field of the Inspector needs to be modified to display the correct symbols. It currently does not.

(2) Menu pull down list display needs to be modified to display the correct symbols. It currently does not.
Notice that the gradient and divergence are not displayed correctly because they are in a different font from the
default even though the symbols are correctly displayed in the menu file

MENU "Symbols"
    "Panel" "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dgd/Rsrc/Symbols', 'Symbols')" ""
    "?" "" "DgdText.Gradient" ""
    "?·" "" "DgdText.Divergence" ""
    "?" "" "DgdText.Partial" ""
    "?" "" "DgdText.Integral" ""
    "v" "" "DgdText.Sqrt" ""

It is starting to look nice.

-Doug Danforth

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Received on Tue Feb 02 2010 - 00:21:42 UTC

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