For a "pre-load" call to an Open File Dialog, you have this friendly procedure in MODULE Dialog:
PROCEDURE GetIntSpec (defType: Files.Type; VAR loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name)
Ask the user for a file specification (loc, name). defType indicates which file type is desired ("" stands for any file type; other types are platform-specific, e.g., "txt" for Windows Ascii files or "TEXT" for Mac OS Ascii files). loc # NIL indicates a valid file specification.
Greetings: René Dorta
On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Stephen R. Troy <stroy{([at]})nowhere.xy
Hello Listers,
At your suggestion I have read Hanspeter Mössenböck's book Object-Oriented Programming in Oberon-2. I also read Stan Warford's book Computing Fundamentals: The Theory and Practice of Software Design with BlackBox Component Builder, which I found especially helpful because it explains some of the operational quirks of BlackBox Component Builder which are not covered in the documentation, at least not that I could find.
Now I have a more mundane question. Can anyone suggest a way using BlackBox to "pre-load" a call to an "Open File" dialog box in Windows XP, such that the dialog box opens up already in the desired directory (folder), and shows only the desired file type, i.e. with "all files" in the "Files of Type" box and "*.xxx" in the "File Name" text box, so that all and only the files with ".xxx" extension appear? Obviously there are Windows API calls to do this -- can anyone suggest how to access these from inside BlackBox? I am writing a program for use by unsophisticated users, and the simpler I can make it, the better. I have tried the "Open File" dialog box in BlackBox, which works fine except for the two above desired features. The "PathtoFileSpec" function in ObxAscii may work fine in Unix or Linux but does not appear to be compatible with Windows. Thanks for any help.
Steve Troy
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Received on Mon May 10 2010 - 02:27:31 UTC