(unknown charset) - Memory leak bug report

From: (unknown charset) unknown charset) Сергей Губанов <">
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 21:29:10 +0400

A memory leak simple example (BlackBox 1.6).
DevLinker.LinkExe MemoryLeak.exe := Kernel+ Files HostFiles Dialog Math Strings Stores TestExe

  IMPORT Files, Stores, WinApi;

    VAR file: Files.File;
    wr: Stores.Writer;
    res: INTEGER;
    file := Files.dir.New(Files.dir.This(""), FALSE);
    wr.WriteString ("Hello World!");
    file.Register("tmp", "txt", FALSE, res)
  END Do;

END TestExe.
Run the MemoryLeak.exe programm and watch to Windows Task Manager about 10 - 20 minutes later...

Received on Thu May 10 2007 - 19:29:10 UTC

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