(unknown charset) - v.1.5 beta, Stores, bugs

From: (unknown charset) unknown charset <no email>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 08:33:51 -0800

z{S}ĝxjǺFyodor Tkachov,??!

        how can i use BlackBox to build a java conmponnets?
i am a beginer.

======= 2005-02-28 15:32:27 ???????:=======

>The module Stores of BlackBox v.1.5 BETA seems to have a pair of similar bugs:
>The parameter d in the following two procedures ought to be a VAR (as for GetThisType)?
>This is needed for the optimizations in the procedure body to work correctly (the bringing of the found "dictionary line" to the top of the list).
>Without VAR, the corresponding list element is lost when the procedure is exited.
>Attachments: Image.png
>Powered by the E-mail PIM - Info Select - www.miclog.com

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z{Ch+bv!~)^{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg936\fromtext \deff0{\fonttbl
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\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 Fyodor Tkachov,\'c4\'fa\'ba\'c3\'a3\'a1\par
\tab how can i use BlackBox to build a java conmponnets? \par
i am a beginer.\par
======= 2005-02-28 15:32:27 \'c4\'fa\'d4\'da\'c0\'b4\'d0\'c5\'d6\'d0\'d0\'b4\'b5\'c0\'a3\'ba=======\par
>The module Stores of BlackBox v.1.5 BETA seems to have a pair of similar bugs:\par
>The parameter d in the following two procedures ought to be a VAR (as for GetThisType)?\par
>This is needed for the optimizations in the procedure body to work correctly (the bringing of the found "dictionary line" to the top of the list).\par
>Without VAR, the corresponding list element is lost when the procedure is exited.\par
>Attachments: Image.png\par
>Powered by the E-mail PIM - Info Select - www.miclog.com\par
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Received on Tue Mar 01 2005 - 17:33:51 UTC

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