Re: adding text

From: [at]} <Gérard>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 19:35:02 +0200

Helllo Erik,

A newby question. I have created a form with the forms editor. I want to add
a piece of text to the form. This text should be variable, i.e. depending on
when and how the form is started it will display different texts.

I do not want to use a edit or text field as this appears 'embossed'

I tried using a caption without an associated text field and linking it to a
variable in the underlying module, but that did not work. It does not change
the caption text. Adding a guard and setting par.label did not work either.

Yes, this solution works. You'll find below a working example. Just decode it with Pac:

PacCoder.Decode 10<>0000Q{([at]})nowhere.xy


Received on Thu Aug 28 2003 - 19:35:02 UTC

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