Dear Black Boxers:
"Bob Walkden" <bwalkden{([at]})nowhere.xy
> If Blackbox is to rule the world then perhaps
> it should be positioning itself as the future of browsers
With all due respect, this thread reminds me of periodic
discussions on comp.lang.oberon "if Oberon is to rule the world"..
Somehow, it never happened. A few generations of Oberoners
dreamt this worthy dream in vain. There was (still is?)
Oberon System-3 and the Oberon Module Interchange, who were
both launched with great ambitions. Closer to the BlackBox home
there was a now abandoned web browser Gazelle. There also was
the whole idea of the "component industry" prominently
advocated in Prof. Szyperski's book, as well as in the BlackBox
Component Builder's own name. In spite of such good ideas, maybe
even technically superior, neither the Oberon System nor its
derivative BlackBox seem to rule even a small county,
forget the whole world.
It seems to me that the Oberon Microsystem team have forgotten
such dreams a while ago, and instead they focused on supporting
their small but beautiful product. This may seem sad, but perhaps
they would not be still with us if they kept trying to rule
the world.
Let's not forget, though, that OMI has spun off a highly successful
Esmertec Inc, who made some inroads towards securing its share
of the whole world. If I am not mistaken, Esmertec owes its
success to not trying to rule the world, but rather to conforming
to what is already there, namely Java.
Excuse me for taking the bandwidth. Happy New Year!
Wojtek Skulski skulski{([at]})nowhere.xy
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Received on Sun Jan 06 2002 - 21:36:59 UTC
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