Re: Reading Windows-Registry from BlackBox

From: Self <treutwein.59.Verwaltung.Uni-Muenchen>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 09:29:29 +0200

> From: "Zinn, Helmut" <Helmut.Zinn{([at]})nowhere.xy
> To: blackbox{([at]})nowhere.xy
> Subject: Reading Windows-Registry from BlackBox
> Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 08:55:49 +0100

> does anybody know how two read the whole registry via a BlackBox program?

Hi Helmut,

vielleicht hilft folgendes weiter (aus dem EthOberon for
Windows, Rel. 2.4). Wahrscheinlich wird es ein bischen
Massage brauchen, aber ...

Das nächste ist folgender Link auf eine Help-Datei zur
Windows API Dokumentation:


Alles Gute weiterhin

(* Copyright (c) 1994 - 2000 Emil J. Zeller *)

MODULE Registry; (** non-portable / source: Win32.Registry.Mod *) (* ejz *)
 IMPORT SYSTEM, Kernel32, Kernel, ADVAPI32;

(** This module provides an interface to the Windows registry. To read Oberon
configuration data stored in the registry use Oberon.OpenScanner and the commands
System.Set and System.Get . *)

  (** root keys *)
  ClassesRoot* = ADVAPI32.HKEYClassesRoot; CurrentUser* = ADVAPI32.HKEYCurrentUser;
  (** result codes *)
  Done* = 0; Failed* = 1; NotFound* = 2;

  PathEnumerator* = PROCEDURE (path: ARRAY OF CHAR);
  KeyValueEnumerator* = PROCEDURE (key, value: ARRAY OF CHAR);

  oberonRoot*, (** root path for all Oberon settings *)
  oberonSystem*: ARRAY Kernel32.MaxPath OF CHAR; (** path for System settings *)
  res*: LONGINT; (** Done, Failed, NotFound *)
  stamp*: LONGINT; (** Time stamp of last modification to the registry. *)
  hFile: Kernel32.HANDLE; logfile: BOOLEAN;

  VAR i, j, l: LONGINT;
  i := 0; WHILE to[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
  l := LEN(to)-1; j := 0;
  WHILE (i < l) & (this[j] # 0X) DO
   to[i] := this[j]; INC(i); INC(j)
  to[i] := 0X
 END Append;

  i := 0; WHILE to[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
  IF i < (LEN(to)-1) THEN
   to[i] := this; to[i+1] := 0X
 END AppendCh;

 (** Get the full path to Oberon settings stored under key.
  Note: Oberon uses CurrentUser as root key. *)
  COPY(oberonRoot, fullPath); AppendCh(fullPath, "\"); Append(fullPath, path)
 END OberonPath;

 (** Set a key/value pair, key = "" sets the default value for path. *)
 PROCEDURE SetKeyValue*(root: ADVAPI32.HKEY; path, key, value: ARRAY OF CHAR);
  IF ADVAPI32.RegCreateKeyEx(root, path, 0, NIL, ADVAPI32.RegOptionNonVolatile,
  {ADVAPI32.KeySetValue, ADVAPI32.KeyCreateSubKey}, NIL, hKey, NIL) # ADVAPI32.Success
   res := NotFound; RETURN
  i := 0; WHILE value[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; INC(i);
  IF ADVAPI32.RegSetValueEx(hKey, key, 0, ADVAPI32.RegSZ, value, i) = ADVAPI32.Success
   INC(stamp); res := Done
   res := Failed
 END SetKeyValue;

 (** Retrieve the value stored under key. use key = "" to retrieve the default value for
 path. *) PROCEDURE GetKeyValue*(root: ADVAPI32.HKEY; path, key: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR value:
  VAR hKey: ADVAPI32.HKEY; type, len, ret: LONGINT; buf: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR;
  IF ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyEx(root, path, 0, {ADVAPI32.KeyQueryValue}, hKey) #
  ADVAPI32.Success THEN
   res := NotFound; RETURN
  len := LEN(value); type := ADVAPI32.RegNone;
  ret := ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueEx(hKey, key, NIL, type, value, len);
  IF (type # ADVAPI32.RegSZ) OR (ret # ADVAPI32.Success) THEN
   IF (type = ADVAPI32.RegSZ) & (ret = ADVAPI32.ErrorMoreData) THEN
    NEW(buf, len+1);
    ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueEx(hKey, key, NIL, type, buf^, len);
    COPY(buf^, value); res := Done
    res := NotFound
   res := Done
 END GetKeyValue;

 (** Delete key and its value, key = "" deletes the default value for path. *)
 PROCEDURE DeleteKeyValue*(root: ADVAPI32.HKEY; path, key: ARRAY OF CHAR);
  IF ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyEx(root, path, 0, {ADVAPI32.KeySetValue}, hKey) # ADVAPI32.Success
   res := NotFound; RETURN
  IF ADVAPI32.RegDeleteValue(hKey, key) = ADVAPI32.Success THEN
   INC(stamp); res := Done
   res := NotFound
 END DeleteKeyValue;

 (** Recursive delete all sub-paths, keys and values in path.
  Note: be very careful when using this procedure!!! *)
 PROCEDURE DeletePath*(root: ADVAPI32.HKEY; path: ARRAY OF CHAR);
  VAR buffer: ARRAY Kernel32.MaxPath OF CHAR; hKey: ADVAPI32.HKEY; size: LONGINT;
  IF ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyEx(root, path, 0, ADVAPI32.KeyAllAccess, hKey) # ADVAPI32.Success
   res := NotFound; RETURN
  size := Kernel32.MaxPath;
  WHILE ADVAPI32.RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, 0, buffer, size, NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL) =
  ADVAPI32.Success DO
   DeletePath(hKey, buffer);
   IF res # Done THEN
    ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey(hKey); RETURN
   size := Kernel32.MaxPath
  IF ADVAPI32.RegDeleteKey(root, path) = ADVAPI32.Success THEN
   INC(stamp); res := Done
   res := Failed
 END DeletePath;

 (** Enumerate all sub-paths in path. *)
 PROCEDURE EnumeratePath*(root: ADVAPI32.HKEY; path: ARRAY OF CHAR; enum: PathEnumerator);
  VAR subPath: ARRAY Kernel32.MaxPath OF CHAR; hKey: ADVAPI32.HKEY; ret, i, size: LONGINT;
  ret := ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyEx(root, path, 0, {ADVAPI32.KeyEnumerateSubKeys}, hKey);
  IF ret # ADVAPI32.Success THEN
   res := NotFound; RETURN
  i := 0;
  WHILE ret = ADVAPI32.Success DO
   size := Kernel32.MaxPath;
   ret := ADVAPI32.RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, subPath, size, NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL);
   IF ret = ADVAPI32.Success THEN enum(subPath) END;
  ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey(hKey); res := Done
 END EnumeratePath;

 (** Enumerate all key/value pairs in path.*)
 PROCEDURE EnumerateKeyValue*(root: ADVAPI32.HKEY; path: ARRAY OF CHAR; enum:
   key, value: ARRAY Kernel32.MaxPath OF CHAR; hKey: ADVAPI32.HKEY;
   ret, i, type, kLen, vLen: LONGINT;
  ret := ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyEx(root, path, 0, {ADVAPI32.KeyQueryValue}, hKey);
  IF ret # ADVAPI32.Success THEN
   res := NotFound; RETURN
  i := 0;
  WHILE ret = ADVAPI32.Success DO
   kLen := Kernel32.MaxPath; vLen := Kernel32.MaxPath; type := ADVAPI32.RegNone;
   ret := ADVAPI32.RegEnumValue(hKey, i, key, kLen, NIL, type, value, vLen);
   IF (ret = ADVAPI32.Success) & (type = ADVAPI32.RegSZ) THEN enum(key, value) END;
  ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey(hKey); res := Done
 END EnumerateKeyValue;

 PROCEDURE*OutputFileString(VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR);
  n := 0; WHILE str[n] # 0X DO INC(n) END;
  Kernel32.WriteFile(hFile, str, n, n, NIL);
  IF logfile THEN Kernel32.FlushFileBuffers(hFile) END
 END OutputFileString;

 PROCEDURE InitConsole();
  VAR rect: Kernel32.SmallRect; file: ARRAY 260 OF CHAR; con: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; i, j:
  Kernel32.OutputString := NIL; logfile := FALSE; hFile := Kernel32.InvalidHandleValue;
  GetKeyValue(CurrentUser, oberonSystem, "Console", con);
  IF res = Done THEN
   IF con[0] = '"' THEN con[0] := con[1] END;
   IF CAP(con[0]) = "C" THEN (* console window *)
    con := "ETH Oberon - Console";
    Kernel32.AllocConsole(); Kernel32.SetConsoleTitle(con);
    hFile := Kernel32.GetStdHandle(Kernel32.STDOutput);
    Kernel32.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hFile, 80 + ASH(1024, 16)); := 0; rect. left := 0; rect.bottom := 24; rect.right := 79;
    Kernel32.SetConsoleWindowInfo(hFile, Kernel32.True, rect)
   ELSIF CAP(con[0]) = "S" THEN (* standard output -> requires CUI*)
    hFile := Kernel32.GetStdHandle(Kernel32.STDOutput)
   ELSIF CAP(con[0]) = "F" THEN (* log file *)
    con := "Oberon.Log"; logfile := TRUE;
    Kernel32.GetModuleFileName(Kernel.hInstance, file, 260);
    i := 0; j := 0;
    WHILE file[i] # 0X DO
     IF file[i] = "\" THEN j := i+1 END;
    file[j] := 0X; i := 0;
    WHILE con[i] # 0X DO
     file[j] := con[i]; INC(i); INC(j)
    file[j] := 0X;
    hFile := Kernel32.CreateFile(file, {Kernel32.GenericWrite}, {Kernel32.FileShareRead},
    NIL, Kernel32.CreateAlways, {Kernel32.FileAttributeNormal}, Kernel32.NULL); i := 1;
    WHILE (i <= 9) & (hFile = Kernel32.InvalidHandleValue) DO
     file[j] := CHR(i+ORD("0")); file[j+11] := 0X;
     hFile := Kernel32.CreateFile(file, {Kernel32.GenericWrite}, {Kernel32.FileShareRead},
     NIL, Kernel32.CreateAlways, {Kernel32.FileAttributeNormal}, Kernel32.NULL); INC(i)
   IF hFile # Kernel32.InvalidHandleValue THEN
    Kernel32.OutputString := OutputFileString
   ELSIF (CAP(con[0]) # "N") & (Kernel32.OutputString = NIL) THEN (* debugger *)
    Kernel32.OutputString := Kernel32.OutputDebugString
   Kernel32.OutputString := Kernel32.OutputDebugString
 END InitConsole;

 PROCEDURE *ShutdownConsole();
  IF logfile & (hFile # Kernel32.InvalidHandleValue) THEN
   Kernel32.CloseHandle(hFile); hFile := Kernel32.InvalidHandleValue
  Kernel32.OutputString := Kernel32.OutputDebugString
 END ShutdownConsole;

   file, name, value, software, version: ARRAY Kernel32.MaxPath OF CHAR;
   buf: POINTER TO ARRAY OF SYSTEM.BYTE; adr: Kernel32.ADDRESS; len, i: LONGINT; ch: CHAR;
  res := Done; stamp := 0;
  Kernel32.GetModuleFileName(Kernel.hInstance, file, Kernel32.MaxPath);
  len := ADVAPI32.GetFileVersionInfoSize(file, NIL); NEW(buf, len);
  ADVAPI32.GetFileVersionInfo(file, 0, len, buf^);
  ADVAPI32.VerQueryValue(buf^, "\StringFileInfo\040904e4\FileDescription", adr, len);
  IF len >= Kernel32.MaxPath THEN HALT(99) END;
  SYSTEM.MOVE(adr, SYSTEM.ADR(software), len);
  ADVAPI32.VerQueryValue(buf^, "\StringFileInfo\040904e4\FileVersion", adr, len);
  IF len >= Kernel32.MaxPath THEN HALT(99) END;
  SYSTEM.MOVE(adr, SYSTEM.ADR(version), len);
  (* cmd { "-" name [ "=" value ] } *)
  name := ""; i := 0;
  adr := Kernel32.GetCommandLine();
   SYSTEM.GET(adr, ch); INC(adr);
   IF ch = "-" THEN
    value[i] := 0X; i := 0;
    IF name = "Registry" THEN COPY(value, version) END
   ELSIF ch = "=" THEN
    value[i] := 0X; i := 0; COPY(value, name)
   ELSIF ch > " " THEN
    value[i] := ch; INC(i)
    value[i] := 0X
  UNTIL ch = 0X;
  IF (i > 0) & (name = "Registry") THEN
   value[i] := 0X; COPY(value, version)
  oberonRoot := "Software\"; Append(oberonRoot, software);
  AppendCh(oberonRoot, "\"); Append(oberonRoot, version);
  OberonPath("System", oberonSystem)
 END Init;

 Init(); InitConsole()
END Registry.
Received on Fri Mar 09 2001 - 07:29:29 UTC

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