--- Douglas G. Danforth, Ph.D. - Research Scientist QuikCAT.com 6700 Beta Drive, Suite 200, Mayfield Village, OH 44143-2335 danforth{([at]})nowhere.xy]-----Original Message----- ]From: Greg Edwards [mailto:gedwards{([at]})nowhere.xy]Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 11:12 PM ]To: blackbox{([at]})nowhere.xy]Subject: Scary: BB Source Code Names in Compiled EXE's ] ] ]Has anyone else noticed that when you look inside an ]executable compiled in ]BB (by changing the program.exe name to program.txt) that you ]can read all ]of your function and module names? As someone who is producing ]applications ]to sell into a competitive world that is scary since it makes ]it just that ]much easier for someone to reproduce what you did. ] ]In C++ (or VC++) when you compile with Debug option on, you ]can read all the ]function names, but when you compile for production you can't see them. ] ]Can BB somehow have a "production" compile that changes all ]the names into ]numeric references or some other means so that our production ]level .exe's ]don't have the function names in them (this would also make the .exe's ]smaller since all the text wouldn't need to be in there)? ] ]-Greg -------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mailing list, send a message containing the word "unsubscribe" to: blackbox-request{([at]})nowhere.xyTo get a list of valid e-mail commands and instructions on their usage, send a message containing the word "help" to the above address. Send any problem reports or questions related to this email list to the list owner at owner-blackbox{([at]})nowhere.xyReceived on Mon Apr 30 2001 - 13:24:02 UTC
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