CGI and BBox?

From: [at]} <421621{>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 19:24:38 GMT

Content-Type: On-Topic/Question:
you can make CGI width BBox?

Content-Type: Off-Topic/Data:

> "Treutwein; Bernhard" <Bernhard.Treutwein{([at]})nowhere.xy
> > please
> > print "Content-type: International/joke" . $INTret X 2;

> > open( MAIL ,"Re: Black Box und System Calls") or Die("Fucking bastard!");

> horrorizado ...
> but to summarize the two german mails (sorry for them,
> "denn sie wissen nicht was sie tun" :-)
> Bernhard,
  __> I am not sure if the last sentence (the one in german) talks about the two
> authors of "the german" posts or about the author of the joke :-)
> Anyway, before someone else posts another international "joke" he/she may try
> first. It's neither Shakespeare not
> Heine, but it might help.
> Anes

Anes, please visit mi webpage , i have
write them with the help of babelfish...


1 saludo



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Received on Mon Oct 02 2000 - 19:24:38 UTC

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