Slow screen restore under BlackBox

From: [at]} <Wojtek>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 14:50:29 -0500


  I am hoping Oberon Micro have fixed their mail server by now..;-)

I have one question and one complaint/remark.

Q: I want to know when my view is being resized in order to set some
"dirty" bit. Which message should I watch? It is one of ctrl messages,
but I do not know which one. Any idea anybody?

Now the complaint: I am rather unhappy with BB window restore mechanism.

When a window gets obscured by other windows, and then gets brought
to the front, my Restore is still called. I would expect it not to be
but the cached bitmap should be recalled from some buffer instead.
Am I right? That would be much faster. However, I remember Cuno's
advice that Restore should do its job unconditionally each time. This is

terrible slowdown.

And one last small thing: Ports.DrawPath only takes 512 points. It is
not enough.
My arrays can have 8k points. Why only 512 are permitted ?

Received on Fri Feb 26 1999 - 23:54:27 UTC

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