Where are mouse 2nd and 3rd buttons?
I am now implementing mouse behavior and I am scratching
my head over Controllers. It looks like 2nd and 3rd mouse
buttons are not there. Is that true or am I missing something?
The docs says:
CONST extend, modify
Oberon/F operates with two virtual modifier keys. The extend key is
to extend or toggle selections (usually the Shift key), the modify
to change the default behavior of a command (e.g., to change
a drag-and-move into a drag-and-copy, using the option key
on Mac OS). The behavior of possible additional modifier keys
is platform-specific.
Well, the name is not Oberon/F anymore. Anyway: are these
two modifiers all that is there? What about lovely interclicks?
What about the middle mouse button?
I presume I should check for modifiers keys like this:
f.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown);
IF (Controllers.extend IN modifiers) THEN
What if the user releases the "extend" modifier before releasing
the mouse key? I presume this will be immediately reflected in
Anything specific about the remaining 30 modifier bits?
Are they useless? Or is 2nd and 3rd mouse button hidden there?
The Controllers CONST section also says:
doubleClick = 0; extend = 1; modifiy = 2;
Is double click a modifier?
Excuse me for so many questions. Though I am an experimentalist,
I do not like experimental approach to computer programming
(I mean, substituting experiment for lack of documentation).
Received on Tue Feb 16 1999 - 05:04:58 UTC
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