Re: [BLACKBOX] Redmine & Gitorious

From: [at]} <Ivan>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 14:05:12 +0800

Dear Robert

Please, do not give up next time. This delay during the "git clone" operation happened partially because of the time zones difference. (The Apache Passenger module serving the site free memory if nobody uses the web-site and when needs a several seconds (sometimes up to 15s) to load all the Ruby modules in the RAM.) I have to tune up the server later for this stuff not happen again.

Nevertheless, I made the zipped version of current state (git md5 hash: e66246e5c264426ce77bdd68de8d9f0efe8652e5)

Lets call it BlackBox1.6rc6redmine1

BlackBox1.6rc6redmine1 today includes all bugfixes from current OberonCore Assembly and several well known fixes over.

Dear International BlackBox Community

We invite you to maintain stable BlackBox together and develop better one in future. Please collect Bugs (for stable version) and Features (for future version) in Issues section ( or on the OberonCore forum (

The idea is that with new international domain, we will unite this redmine platform, new international wiki (separate from redmine), and Internationalised BlackBox part of OberonCore forum.

Regards Ivan

2013/8/21 Ivan Denisov <d.ivan.krsk{([at]})nowhere.xy

        Dear Robert
        Please, do not give up. This delay during the "git clone" operation happened partially because of the time zones difference. (The Apache Passenger module serving the site free memory if nobody uses the web-site and when needs a several seconds (sometimes more) to load all the Ruby modules in the RAM.) I have to tune up the server later for this stuff not happen again.
        Nevertheless, I attach the zipped version of current state (git md5 hash: e66246e5c264426ce77bdd68de8d9f0efe8652e5)
        Lets call it BlackBox1.6rc6redmine1
        BlackBox1.6rc6redmine1 today includes all bugfixes from current OberonCore Assembly and several well known fixes over (not all known yet).
        Dear International BlackBox Community
        We invite you to maintain stable BlackBox together and develop better one in future. Please collect Bugs (for stable version) and Features (for future version) in Issues section ( or on the OberonCore forum (
        The idea is that with new international domain, we will unite this redmine platform, new international wiki (separate from redmine), and Internationalised BlackBox part of OberonCore forum.

        Regards Ivan

        2013/8/21 Robert Campbell <rdcampbell.98{([at]})nowhere.xy

                Tried again, and was even less successful. This time it just froze after saying "Cloning into 'bbcb'...".
                So I restarted git, tried again, and got:
                "fatal: destination path 'bbcb' already exist and is not an empty directory'"
                I think that the kind of people who like BlackBox are the kind of people who don't like command line windows!
                I'm giving up. Since I now know that my current BlackBox can run (and allocate 1600 MByte) on some Windows 7 installations I
                no longer need another BBox version.

                On 19/08/2013 03:18, Ivan Denisov wrote:

                        I just tried to clone the project on Win7 from "MINGW32.~" for the ckeck of your question.

                        It is not asking the password during "clone" or "pull". I just get this:
                        $ git clone
                        Cloning into 'bbcb'...
                        remote: Counting objects: 1381, done.
                        remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1005/1005), done.
                        remote: Total 1381 (delta 328), reused 1358 (delta 316)
                        Receiving objects: 100% (1381/1381), 7.66 MiB | 327.00 KiB/s, done.
                        Resolving deltas: 100% (328/328), done.
                        Checking out files: 100% (1252/1252), done.
                        But for "git push" it will ask the password from your acount at

                        $ git push
                        Username for '': admin
                        Password for 'http://admin{([at]})nowhere.xy
                        Everything up-to-date
                        So, please register to have push ability.

                        Regards, Ivan

                        2013/8/19 Robert Campbell <rdcampbell.98{([at]})nowhere.xy

                                On 17/08/2013 21:05, Ivan Denisov wrote:

> 2 - I managed to work out how to download individual files from the first, but not the second. If I wanted to download a complete current working set (as a .zip file maybe) how would I do that?
                                        I did not install such plug-in to Redmine yet, but it is planned in the future.
                                        To download last version without edit history you should run command: git clone --depth=1
                                        Before this git itself should be installed:
                                        Regards, Ivan

                                I've just tried this in a 'git bash' window called "MINGW32.~".
                                It asked me for "Username for '':".
                                I am guessing it will also ask me for a password ???

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Received on Wed Aug 21 2013 - 08:05:12 UTC

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