Re: [BLACKBOX] Possible compiler bug ?

From: [at]} <luowy{>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 17:12:46 GMT

z{S}ĝxjǺadd one line:

 | div:
     IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(y); END;(* <<< add this line *)
     IF rev THEN Dev2CPL486.GenFDOp(FDIVR, y) ELSE Dev2CPL486.GenFDOp(FDIV, y) END;

----- ?? -----
???: Aubrey.McIntosh{([at]})nowhere.xy
? ?: Re: [BLACKBOX] Possible compiler bug ?
? ?: 2011?12?19? 22:25:12

It compiles to completion in V4:iOP2 RC/NM V1.7 22.1.1996
 compiling DemoMeter; new symbol file 58And the user program traps at the expected place on the NIL pointer.

I think that the BlackBox compiler is a descendant of the original OP2 compiler. There is an early 90s paper that describes the internal data structures of OP2. Is it obvious to anyone how to walk down the source for the two compiler execution paths side by side to see what catches the eye?

z{Ch+bv!~)^{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\fromtext \deff0{\fonttbl
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\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 add one line:\par
 | div:\par
     IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(y); END;(* <<< add this line *)\par
     IF rev THEN Dev2CPL486.GenFDOp(FDIVR, y) ELSE Dev2CPL486.GenFDOp(FDIV, y) END;\par
   ... \par
\htmlrtf{\f4\fs20\htmlrtf0 ----- \'8c\'b4\'95\'b6 ----- \htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par
\htmlrtf{\f5\fs20\htmlrtf0 \'b7\'a2\'bc\'fe\'c8\'cb: Aubrey.McIntosh{([at]})ALUMNI.UTEXAS.NET \htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par
\htmlrtf{\f5\fs20\htmlrtf0 \'d6\'f7\'a1\'a1\'cc\'e2: Re: [BLACKBOX] Possible compiler bug ?\htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par
\htmlrtf{\f5\fs20\htmlrtf0 \'ca\'b1\'a1\'a1\'bc\'e4: 2011\'c4\'ea12\'d4\'c219\'c8\'d5 22:25:12\htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par
It compiles to completion in V4:iOP2 RC/NM V1.7 22.1.1996\par
 compiling DemoMeter; new symbol file 58And the user program traps at the expected place on the NIL pointer.\par
I think that the BlackBox compiler is a descendant of the original OP2 compiler. There is an early 90s paper that describes the internal data structures of OP2. Is it obvious to anyone how to walk down the source for the two compiler execution paths side by side to see what catches the eye?\par
Received on Mon Dec 19 2011 - 18:12:46 UTC

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