[BLACKBOX] 回复: [BLACKBOX] Casket on CPC, RtfConv, La tex

From: [at]} <luowy{>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 03:53:07 GMT

z{S}ĝxjǺHi Robert:
 LibMisc.Hash can't find ,which version are you used?

----- ?? -----
<br/>???: Robert
<br/>? ?: [BLACKBOX] Casket on CPC, RtfConv, Latex
<br/>? ?: 2010?3?30? 4:51:09
<br/>I would just like to tell people that there is a new version of the &#39;Casket&#39;
<br/>subsystem on the cpc page (http://www.zinnamturm.eu/downloadsAC.htm#Casket).
<br/>This subsystem is basically a reuseable Bitmap type, and some facilities that
<br/>use it. The Bitmaps can be read/saved as .pngs, .jpegs, etc using FreeImage.
<br/>They can also be saved efficiently as Views in .odc Documents by using Pac to
<br/>compress them.
<br/>Two notable clients are:
<br/>1) CasketRtfConv. This is an RTF (Rich Text Format) converter for copying
<br/>Documents to and from other programs such as Word, Wordpad, OpenOffice, etc.
<br/>This was originally written as CpcRtfConv in BlackBox 1.5. It does the same job
<br/>as the Oms Module HostTextConv, but with the major (to me!) advantage of
<br/>handling Unicode characters, not just 8-bit Ascii characters.
<br/>(The BlackBox 1.6 version of HostTextConv does now handle Unicode.)
<br/>A major advantage of the new Module over the Oms (1.6) one is that arbitrary
<br/>Views are now converted to Bitmaps, and copied to external programs. It can also
<br/>read RTF bitmaps, but this in not much practical benefit as Word etc do not
<br/>write bitmaps!
<br/>(Thanks to the people who suggested this feature a few months ago. Initially I
<br/>thought it had little benefit, but I now find it VERY useful.)
<br/>There are many other differences between this and the Oms version, so depending
<br/>on circumstances one may be much more useful than the other.
<br/>2) Latex. This is not new, but a new feature is that it now supports much higher
<br/>print quality than before. (Two Bitmaps are generated for each equation, one
<br/>suitable for screen display and a high resolution one for Laser printers.)
<br/>RtfConv &#39;knows&#39; about Latex equations, and the high quality Bitmaps are exported
<br/>to Word (or Wordpad etc) so that they can also print equations in high quality.
<br/>To unsubscribe, send a message with body &quot;SIGNOFF BLACKBOX&quot; to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH
z{Ch+bv!~)^{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\fromtext \deff0{\fonttbl
{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}
{\f1\fmodern Courier New;}
{\f2\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}
{\f3\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}
{\f4\fswiss\fcharset128 MS Mincho;}
{\f5\fswiss\fcharset134 SimSun;}}
\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 Hi Robert:\par
 LibMisc.Hash can't find ,which version are you used?\par
\htmlrtf{\f4\fs20\htmlrtf0 ----- \'8c\'b4\'95\'b6 ----- \htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par
\htmlrtf{\f5\fs20\htmlrtf0 <br/>\'b7\'a2\'bc\'fe\'c8\'cb: Robert \htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par
\htmlrtf{\f5\fs20\htmlrtf0 <br/>\'d6\'f7\'a1\'a1\'cc\'e2: [BLACKBOX] Casket on CPC, RtfConv, Latex\htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par
\htmlrtf{\f5\fs20\htmlrtf0 <br/>\'ca\'b1\'a1\'a1\'bc\'e4: 2010\'c4\'ea3\'d4\'c230\'c8\'d5 4:51:09\htmlrtf\f0}\htmlrtf0 \par
<br/>I would just like to tell people that there is a new version of the &#39;Casket&#39; \par
<br/>subsystem on the cpc page (http://www.zinnamturm.eu/downloadsAC.htm#Casket).\par
<br/>This subsystem is basically a reuseable Bitmap type, and some facilities that \par
<br/>use it. The Bitmaps can be read/saved as .pngs, .jpegs, etc using FreeImage.\par
<br/>They can also be saved efficiently as Views in .odc Documents by using Pac to\par
<br/>compress them.\par
<br/>Two notable clients are:\par
<br/>1) CasketRtfConv. This is an RTF (Rich Text Format) converter for copying \par
<br/>Documents to and from other programs such as Word, Wordpad, OpenOffice, etc.\par
<br/>This was originally written as CpcRtfConv in BlackBox 1.5. It does the same job \par
<br/>as the Oms Module HostTextConv, but with the major (to me!) advantage of \par
<br/>handling Unicode characters, not just 8-bit Ascii characters.\par
<br/>(The BlackBox 1.6 version of HostTextConv does now handle Unicode.)\par
<br/>A major advantage of the new Module over the Oms (1.6) one is that arbitrary \par
<br/>Views are now converted to Bitmaps, and copied to external programs. It can also\par
<br/>read RTF bitmaps, but this in not much practical benefit as Word etc do not \par
<br/>write bitmaps!\par
<br/>(Thanks to the people who suggested this feature a few months ago. Initially I\par
<br/>thought it had little benefit, but I now find it VERY useful.)\par
<br/>There are many other differences between this and the Oms version, so depending \par
<br/>on circumstances one may be much more useful than the other.\par
<br/>2) Latex. This is not new, but a new feature is that it now supports much higher \par
<br/>print quality than before. (Two Bitmaps are generated for each equation, one \par
<br/>suitable for screen display and a high resolution one for Laser printers.)\par
<br/>RtfConv &#39;knows&#39; about Latex equations, and the high quality Bitmaps are exported \par
<br/>to Word (or Wordpad etc) so that they can also print equations in high quality.\par
<br/>To unsubscribe, send a message with body &quot;SIGNOFF BLACKBOX&quot; to LISTSERV{([at]})LISTS.OBERON.CH\par
Received on Wed Mar 31 2010 - 05:53:07 UTC

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