(unknown charset) Re: [BLACKBOX] ARRAY as CONSTANT

From: (unknown charset) Oleg N. Cher <"Oleg>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 03:26:08 +0200

z{S}ĝxjǺDear Rene,

Current problem I intend to decide by
WinApi FindResource, LoadResource & LockResource.
And link resource file to executable by
bolder.exe := Bolder$ ... 1 bolder.res ~

And to work with data by SYSTEM.GET(addr, byte)

But I am interested in BlackBox not only for
the decision of current problems, but also look at it
as to an instrument for the decision of different
of long time problems. And I would be pleasant
to know that needed to me things in Component Pascal
are herein present.

It can appear that Component Pascal is not quite suitable
(why to use files and resources wherein it is possible
to treat only one simple by a constant array?) And I
will use C++ ...

======= 2008-02-12, 17:43:37 : =======

>Why do you have need of a constant array? Why not,
>for instance, put the values in a file and create
>an open array variable from it? What is the benefit?

Oleg N. Cher,
Colossoft Research.

z{Ch+bv!~)^{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1251\fromtext \deff0{\fonttbl
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\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 Dear Rene,\par
Current problem I intend to decide by\par
WinApi FindResource, LoadResource & LockResource.\par
And link resource file to executable by\par
bolder.exe := Bolder$ ... 1 bolder.res ~\par
And to work with data by SYSTEM.GET(addr, byte)\par
But I am interested in BlackBox not only for\par
the decision of current problems, but also look at it\par
as to an instrument for the decision of different\par
of long time problems. And I would be pleasant\par
to know that needed to me things in Component Pascal\par
are herein present.\par
It can appear that Component Pascal is not quite suitable\par
(why to use files and resources wherein it is possible\par
to treat only one simple by a constant array?) And I\par
will use C++ ...\par
======= 2008-02-12, 17:43:37 \'c2\'fb \'ef\'e8\'f1\'e0\'eb\'e8: =======\par
>Why do you have need of a constant array? Why not,\par
>for instance, put the values in a file and create\par
>an open array variable from it? What is the benefit?\par
\tab \tab \tab \par
Oleg N. Cher,\par
Colossoft Research.\par
Received on Wed Feb 13 2008 - 02:26:08 UTC

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