- UtilTime understood

From: Frans-PieterVonck <"Frans-PieterVonck">
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 00:39:51 +0200

z{S}ĝxjǺThanks for explaining,

your program can assert the (minimum time) a computer needs to for a executing a set of instructions.
That's interesting when you need to calibrate a pulse-time measuring program.
My Blackbox project is porting some of Burkhard Kainka's - 'PC Interfaces Under Windows' programs from Delphi to Blackbox.
I would like to use them in a physics class I give at a highschool in the Netherlands.
For now I wish you a 'code'-night.
Greetings from,
Frans-Pieter Vonck

        -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
        Van: blackbox{([at]})nowhere.xych namens Grard Meunier
        Verzonden: do 21-4-2005 23:48
        Aan: BlackBox Mailing List
        Onderwerp: [BlackBox] - question UtilTime

        ----- Original Message -----
        From: "Frans-PieterVonck" <Frans-PieterVonck{([at]})nowhere.xy
        To: "BlackBox Mailing List" <blackbox{([at]})nowhere.xy
        Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:18 PM
        Subject: [BlackBox] - question UtilTime
        > There is something I don't understand in the program UtilTime
        > What is the function of these lines?
        > dt := MAX(REAL);
        > dt := MIN(t1 - t0, dt);
        > If a discard the statement I get the following output
        > dt = 1.117463398259133E-6
        > instead of the previous 0,83 s
        The result of t1 - t0 vary from time to time. The resolution of the counter
        is the minimum of these results, and it's what the procedure calculates. If
        you discard the MIN statement (and the initialization of the loop), you may
        get different results at every call.
        --- BlackBox
        --- send subject HELP or UNSUBSCRIBE to blackbox{([at]})oberon.ch

z{Ch+bv!~)^{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\fromtext \deff0{\fonttbl
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\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 Thanks for explaining,\par
your program can assert the (minimum time) a computer needs to for a executing a set of instructions. \par
That's interesting when you need to calibrate a pulse-time measuring program. \par
My Blackbox project is porting some of Burkhard Kainka's - 'PC Interfaces Under Windows' programs from Delphi to Blackbox.\par
I would like to use them in a physics class I give at a highschool in the Netherlands.\par
For now I wish you a 'code'-night.\par
Greetings from,\par
Frans-Pieter Vonck\par
\tab -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- \par
\tab Van: blackbox{([at]})nowhere.xyG\'e9rard Meunier \par
\tab Verzonden: do 21-4-2005 23:48 \par
\tab Aan: BlackBox Mailing List \par
\tab CC: \par
\tab Onderwerp: [BlackBox] - question UtilTime\par
\tab \par
\tab \par
\tab ----- Original Message -----\par
\tab From: "Frans-PieterVonck" <Frans-PieterVonck{([at]})hetnet.nl>\par
\tab To: "BlackBox Mailing List" <blackbox{([at]})oberon.ch>\par
\tab Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:18 PM\par
\tab Subject: [BlackBox] - question UtilTime\par
\tab \par
\tab \par
\tab > There is something I don't understand in the program UtilTime\par
\tab > What is the function of these lines?\par
\tab >\par
\tab > dt := MAX(REAL);\par
\tab > dt := MIN(t1 - t0, dt);\par
\tab >\par
\tab > If a discard the statement I get the following output\par
\tab >\par
\tab > dt = 1.117463398259133E-6\par
\tab >\par
\tab > instead of the previous 0,83 \'b5s\par
\tab \par
\tab The result of t1 - t0 vary from time to time. The resolution of the counter\par
\tab is the minimum of these results, and it's what the procedure calculates. If\par
\tab you discard the MIN statement (and the initialization of the loop), you may\par
\tab get different results at every call.\par
\tab \par
\tab Cheers.\par
\tab \par
\tab G\'e9rard\par
\tab \par
\tab --- BlackBox\par
\tab --- send subject HELP or UNSUBSCRIBE to blackbox{([at]})oberon.ch\par
\tab \par
Received on Fri Apr 22 2005 - 00:39:51 UTC

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