ObxProgress - corrected

From: René A. Krywult <"René>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 10:06:17 +0100 (NFT)

So, here it is, the corrected and tested version of ObxProgress, a control that can be linked to variables of the type ObxProgress.Progress.

The corrections were:

"link" used in CatchPropMsg for PollMsg and Controls.Prop
"link" used in Externalize and Internalize
"link" used for identification instead of "label"
PROCEDURE (v:Views) Update implemented.

Usage is quit simple:

1. Insert the progress control via ObxProgress.Deposit & StdCmds.PasteView or StdCmds.Open

2. Link the progress bar to your variable of the type ObxProgress.Progress ("v" in the following).

3. Use v in your module, followed by Dialog.Update (v), whenever you want the control to change.

Known bugs:
1. If you copy a progress bar, link and label properties are not copied, but the values v.cur, v.min and v.max are copied, giving the erroneous impression that the new progress bar is linked.

2. If there are more than 1 bars linked to the same variable, only one of them is updated, if values change. This, I think, is due to the handling of the UpdateMsg, which is consumed after reception, and therefor not passed on.

3. If v is not changed through a program, but through a field control, then the progress bar is only updated after the fild control is closed. I don't know why, but I'll find out.

Hope that helps


René A. Krywult
Lege, lege, relege, ora, labora et invenies

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Received on Thu Nov 13 2003 - 10:06:17 UTC

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