(unknown charset) Re: How to load/store a font

From: (unknown charset) [at]} <pfister{>
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 12:56:13 +0100

>Then I have another doubt: how do I store/load a font?
>It is not an extension of Stores.Store, neither does it have
>a ready-to-use Store/Load that I could call. Does this mean
>I have to implement my own font store/load? I can do this,
>but it sort of looks bad to me that BB does not provide
>for storing/loading font info.

It's a bit difficult to find, but there are the procedures
Views.ReadFont and Views.WriteFont. (They don't
fit into module Fonts, since this module lies below the
Stores mechanism).

Cuno Pfister

Oberon microsystems, Inc.
Received on Sun Feb 14 1999 - 13:02:23 UTC

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