Re: 64-bit integer support

From: <>
Date: Mon Nov 2 09:47:37 1998

Lieber Herr Gruntz,

waere es moeglich, von den betroffenen Module (In, Out, Strings, und
TextMappers) eine Vorabversion zu bekommen (oder ist das naechste
Release relative nahe) ?

Herzlichen Gruss

    Bernhard Treutwein Tel. +49-89-5996-642, Fax -615
    Institut f. Med. Psychologie Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet
    -------------------------------- ---------------------------
    C is its own virus

> From gruntz{([at]})nowhere.xy
> >This deficiency of BlackBox to output LONGINTs in a simple way appears
> >to be due to the fact that the interfaces of procedures Out.Int, In.Int
> >and StdLog.Int were changed in the conversion of Oberon/F to Component
> >Pascal. In their current version, using type INTEGER in stead of
> >LONGINT, they deny any input or output mechanism to values or variables
> >of Component Pascals 64-bit type LONGINT.
> This has been fixed in the development version and will be available in
> the next release of the BlackBox Component Builder. We have changed
> the signatures of In, Out, of module Strings and of the Formatter and
> Scanner objects in module TextMappers to fully support objects of type
> - Domininik Gruntz, Oberon microsystems AG, Switzerland
Received on Mon Nov 02 1998 - 09:47:37 UTC

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