Setting Focus Into Field Control

From: [at]} <Cuno>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 03:04:34 -0400

>However, I wish to provide a menu item which when selected, will move the
>focus to a predetermined Field within the document. I can calculate the
>position of this Control view that is to obtain the focus, but I am not
>able to develop a program fragment that would set the focus (Caret) inside
>the desired Field.

There are two points that are not obvious from the standard Obx examples:
how to get a focus container that is in mask mode, and how to set the
of a specific view in this container. The module below demonstrates these
two points. It focuses a control with the label "magic string".

I hope this helps

With best regards

Cuno Pfister

Oberon microsystems, Inc.


        IMPORT Dialog, Views, Containers, Controls, TextModels,

        PROCEDURE Do*;
                VAR c: Containers.Controller; rd: TextModels.Reader; v:
Views.View; ctrl: Controls.Control;
                c := Containers.Focus();
                IF c # NIL THEN
                        WITH c: TextControllers.Controller DO
                                rd := c.text.NewReader(NIL);
                                WHILE v # NIL DO
                                        WITH v: Controls.Control DO
                                                IF v.label = "magic
THEN ctrl := v; Dialog.Beep END
                                IF ctrl # NIL THEN
        END Do;

END TestNav.

        "Set Focus" "" "TestNav.Do" ""
Received on Thu Sep 24 1998 - 09:17:18 UTC

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